As usual, life has been very busy! Derek continues to work like a crazy person, and I continue to spend most of my time in the hospital or studying. We had our 16 week prenatal appointment last wednesday. As expected, baby has a very good strong heartbeat that is now audible with the doppler. Also, Derek and I decided to do some prenatal testing, which came back completely normal. I had a funny calm feeling because I had a sense that things were going just perfectly. I have not been worried at all. Though, I think Derek was relieved to hear that things were going fine. So now it is just a few more weeks until our 20 week ultrasound. Derek would love to find out the sex of the baby, but I tend to go back and forth depending on the day. As of now, we will not be finding out the sex, but who knows, maybe I will change my mind at some point!
Since things have been so busy for both of us lately, we decided to take a vacation to Sanibel, Florida to meed up with my parents who were there on spring break. We flew out Thursday night and spent 3 days in Sanibel, sitting by the pool and visiting some of my favorite spots from being there as a younger person :-) Of course, the time went by way too fast, but it was nice for both of us to have a little break from work to relax in the beautiful sunshine. We owe my parents big time for picking us up from the airport and letting us stay with them all weekend! We had a blast! Also, Derek was able to feel the baby move for the very first time!! I have been feeling movement for a couple weeks now, but of course the baby is pretty small still so it is more difficult to feel from the outside. The baby was moving around like crazy this weekend and Derek was able to feel the baby kicking one night while we were laying in bed watching TV. I think it was as amazing to him as it is to me! It makes it seem like reality that this baby is coming in the relatively near future. The other thing that makes it feel real.... me not fitting into my clothes. I was able to bring some of my drawstring shorts along on vacation that seemed to do okay, but I ended up wearing them without the buttons and still felt like they were too tight! It felt like I was getting bigger by the day! Great weekend with lots of great adventure and baby fun! I can't wait until next year's trip. Strange to think baby will be here by then and we will be carting around strollers and carseats.
So now it is back to reality, work for Derek and Medicine at HCMC for me. I think we will both be a little more recharged thanks to this much needed break.