Things have been slowly changing over the past week. We went to the doctor on Wednesday, August 28th. At that time, I was having lots of contractions that I felt mostly in my abdomen and a tiny bit in my back. Mostly, I felt uncomfortable. When Dr. Johnson examined me, she said that I was a tiny bit dilated, but that everything was completely effaced and "soft". Since I was uncomfortable most of the afternoon, she told me to go home and take a bath, which could help. Also, she said that if I could not sleep that night, I should come to the hospital, as I might be in the very beginning stages of labor. We already had plans to go to the Twins game with Jerry and Libby, so we decided to keep our plans and if we needed to go to the hospital we would. I did fine at the twins game, with some contractions and being uncomfortable, but we had some fun! Wednesday I did fine during the day, but had more contractions at night. I decided to stay home on Thursday to get some extra sleep. Also, I had been feeling lots of contractions mixed with some nausea. When I woke up then on Thursday morning, I felt really nauseated so I sat in bed for a little while before getting in the shower. It was my last day at work, so I was planning to go in and give my presentation at least. As I was standing ready to hop in the shower, I lost my mucous plug. Disgusting, I know. I was pretty grossed out, but it made me more aware of keeping an eye on my contractions for the day. I made it most of the way through the day on Friday with some nausea and contractions, so I came home at 2pm. We went to celebrate the last day of work with my family and Vicky at La Casita. I had contractions that night, definitely getting stronger and coming about every 10-15 minutes. I decided I would try to get some sleep and I would get our bags packed for the hospital, as I definitely didn't think I would make it through the weekend without having the baby.
So now it is Saturday. I got very little sleep overnight. Lots of waking up with contractions. This morning I got up at 7AM and decided that I would likely have to go to the hospital today, as contractions were very strong and now coming every 10 minutes. So I hopped in the shower to get ready for the day, just in case. Derek also got up, as he was feeling a little overwhelmed and maybe nervous about when we would need to go to the hospital. We went down and sat on the 3-season porch and had some breakfast while we started to count the spacing between contractions. They were still about every 8-10 minutes. We got on the phone with my parents, and went over to their house at 11:15AM so that Derek and my dad could go pick up a lawn mower. Derek didn't want me alone at the house, in case something would happen like my water breaking or needing to go to the hospital. Once we got to their house, he decided not to go get the mower after all, so him and Dad started working in the back yard. Michael and I went to sit on the screen porch. My contractions were coming every 6-10 minutes. Michael would keep track of the timing for me. To really speed things up, Derek and dad decided they were going to trim some trees in the back yard. I turned to look at them, and there Derek is 3-stories up on a ladder leaning on a tree, with a big chain saw in his hand. He cut down a branch and I watched as the entire tree and ladder shook. I immediately freaked out and had a panic attack.... the 2nd one during this pregnancy where I started crying and hyperventilating uncontrollably. Of course, Michael and my mom saw me squatted down on the deck in tears breathing really heavy so they checked on me and got Derek down of the tree. All I could think of was imagining Derek falling off the tree and getting hurt. Clearly my hormones are all out of whack. I finally calmed down, and sat on the porch for a little longer. Contractions slowly started getting closer together at around 1PM, coming every 4-8 minutes. Once they were coming relatively consistently every 5 minutes or so, I decided it was probably time to head to the hospital. It is now 2PM and I have had contractions coming every 4-6 minutes for at least the past hour. Mom, Dad, and Michael have gotten the cameras ready. Derek and dad finished their project in the back yard, showered, and ate some lunch. And now, we are going to be heading off to the hospital. Plan to leave by 2:30PM. Here goes nothing..... on our way!