Sunday, July 15, 2012

32 Weeks - Under Construction!

So much has happened in the past 4 weeks!

Derek and I had the windows and upstairs carpet replaced about a month ago.  Little did we know, that along with the windows and carpet would come a TON of work to go along with it.  So we have spent the last 4 weeks crazy busy with house projects.  First of all, the windows that were all replaced needed to be stained and varnished, which is a time-consuming project!  My parents came to help and and did a  TON of work to get things done, which was incredibly sweet!  I think my mom must have realized that there is a ton to do and that I just don't have the time or energy to get it done, so they rallied and did a lot to get things moving.  Along with the windows came pulling up the carpet to get rid of and painting all of the rooms upstairs around the windows and in the closets.  This was another huge ongoing project.  Luckily my mom and Michael helped get all of the painting done, and Michael, Matt, and dad helped get the carpet pulled and all of the staples out.  As a last-minute add-on, Derek decided that while we were going to have the rest of the upstairs done except the bathroom time (which we have hated), we might as well replace the bathroom time also!  I am glad he decided to do that, as it looks fabulous!  While it seems so short to write down in this paragraph, this work has been the ongoing accumulation of what we have been doing for the past month.  I am not sure there has been one day that we have come back from work and sat down to eat dinner or watch a movie!  It is work work work all the time.

Needless to say, since we have the entire upstairs under construction, there is no baby room yet!  I am glad to say that he has not come early enough yet for me to panic, but I am starting to get that panicked feeling for sure.  There is definitely something about having a baby room all set up and getting nested in, and I have not been able to do that yet.  Luckily, once the carpet comes in this week,  we will be able to set up the baby room.  Our parents have decided to buy us a crib and dresser for the baby room, which was incredibly sweet of all of them!  They always do wonderful things like that for us, and we are very very lucky!  The crib and dresser are now here in the boxes, and I am super excited to get them set up this week!

Also, The Johnson ladies (Vicky, Tracy, Amy, and Krissy) threw me a baby shower two weeks ago.  It was so wonderful to see everyone and spend time with some of Vicky's family that I do not get to see very often!  People got us just fabulous gifts.  It was overwhelming to sit there opening such beautiful gifts.  Thank you Thank you to all of our friends and family who came to celebrate with us!  It was so great!  I can't wait to get the baby room set up and start getting his new clothes and gear all set for when he gets here.  Its very exciting to start feeling like there is baby stuff in the house now!

And how am I feeling?  Well, truthfully, I am exhausted!  I have never really felt like calling in sick to work just to sleep, but it has definitely crossed my mind lately.  I am working in the medical ICU right now, so things are crazy busy and I am up at 5 every morning.  While I really enjoy the ICU, I don't enjoy having to stand for 5 hours while we do rounds.  This is the first time that I have really started to feel like I am swelling.  I am pretty sure that I am currently losing my ankles and getting cankels!  Yuck!  My doc told me that it was no big deal that I work all day as long as I go home and put my feet up at night..... yeah, like that is ever going to happen with the construction projects going on at our house!  haha!  I guess I will just have to deal with having no ankles and big swollen legs!  Also, baby seems to be growing so fast now.  My belly feels like it gets bigger by the day!  According to the doc, I am growing right on schedule.  It is hard to believe that there is only 8 more weeks to go before he gets here.  I am so excited and yet also nervous!  I want things to go right and I just hope that he is healthy and doing well.  He sure moves around a lot, so at least I knew he is still doing okay in there for now.  I am currently hoping for a bit more sleep and some peace and quiet around here once the construction is done, seeing as how I won't be sleeping once the baby is born!  Wish me luck!

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