Monday, September 10, 2012

September 2nd 2012 - Going to the hospital

Well, Little Adam graced us with his presence on September 3rd 2012 at 12:12AM.  My last post was on September 1st, when I planned on going to the hospital.  I will update you on how we ended up where where are today.

Here goes....
 I didn't end up going to the hospital on September 1st as originally planned.  I had called the ObGyn doc on call because my contractions had gotten to 5 minutes apart, but then stalled out without changing for several hours.  She told me that we could wait until my contractions were consistently 3-5 minutes before going to the hospital, so we decided to wait it out at my parents house.  As things did not progress, we went home that night to get whatever sleep we could, assuming that we would end up in the hospital overnight.  Well, that didn't happen either!  We got a couple hours of broken sleep and I woke up exhausted from almost 24 hours of contractions.  I started to worry that there was something wrong with the baby, or something wrong with me that had caused my contractions to stall out at every 5 minutes, so we went to church on Sunday morning.  At that point, I just prayed for a healthy baby.  We went back to my parents for brunch.  Contractions were still 5 min apart but were getting stronger throughout the day.  At 3pm, I decided that it was time to call the doc again because i was getting much more uncomfortable and exhausted.  Dr. Toft, the on-call doc told us to come to the hospital to get checked since i was feeling more uncomfortable.

We left my parents and drove to Southdale hospital.  The got us checked in and then brought us to triage, where they checked me and told us that I was completely effaced and 3cm dilated.  They waivered about whether or not we needed to stay, and then decided that it would be a good idea for me to stay and start my antibiotics as the baby was likely coming in the next 24 hours.  So we were admitted to the hospital, and they told me that I could walk around for an hour before rechecking the baby's heart rate.  By then, my parents and Michael had arrived at the hospital, so they helped us get checked in and then the boys (my dad, Derek, and Michael) went over to Schlotzsky's to get some dinner.  Mom and I walked the hallway, and my contractions continued to get worse.  About 30 minutes into our walking, my water broke.  Then the contractions really picked up!  By this point I was incredibly uncomfortable and extremely fatigued.  When Derek got back a little while later, we decided I would get an epidural so I could get a little rest until the baby came.  This helped A TON!  I finally got some rest.  My epidural ended up being perfect because I could still lift my legs and feel contractions without feeling the pain.  When they checked me again at 7PM, I was 6cm dilated.  Things were moving quickly.  The next several hours, people started showing up at the hospital, Russ being the first from the Johnson family, then Jerry, Amy, and Vicky.  We got to visit for a bit before the nurses rechecked me, this time I was 9-10cm dilated and we were waiting on the doctor to get there so we could start pushing!  We started pushing at 10:40PM on September 2nd.  My mom and Derek were there helping me push and getting me ice chips. But no baby was born on Sept. 2nd!

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