Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Adam is 1 month!


It is hard to believe that it has been a month since baby Adam was born!  It is also hard to believe that I have not posted on his blog since then!  I guess I have been enjoying cuddling with him as much as possible, which means not having both hands available for typing!  Oh, to recap the past month!

Well, I will just go over some of my favorite things that Adam has been doing.

1.  Adam has decided that he loves bath time.  Derek installed a heat fan in the middle bathroom, which Adam loves! He rarely cries in the tub, and seems to just enjoy being toasty warm!

2.  Adam has this adorable snort when he gets really upset.  As much as we hate seeing him cry, it is hard not to smile at how adorable his tiny cry and snort sound!

3.  He loves being cuddled up to his Dad in the morning.  He seems to know exactly when 7:30 AM rolls around, and he will cry to get out of his basinet, but then will stop crying and go back to sleep the second he is cuddled into the crook of dad's arm.  The two of the will rest together until dad has to get up to go to work.  I love waking up to the two of them all cuddled in!

4.  Adam rolled over from his tummy to his back for the first time on September 29th.  He got himself so frustrated with his little fists all balled up, and pushed himself right over.  He seemed to surprise himself.  He has done in twice since then, which seems to be incredibly early to be rolling on his own.  I guess I should be prepared for this strong little guy to be on the move early!

5.  Adam has found his thumb!  He has not quite gotten the understanding of balling up the rest of of his fingers so that they don't end up in his face yet!  So now,  he sucks his thumb with all of his fingers up in his face near his eyes and nose, and occasionally scratches himself when he tries to move his hand.

As for sleeping, Adam does pretty good, usually 4-6 hours at a time.  Can't complain about that! :-)  He is definitely an easy-going baby!

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