Wednesday, February 22, 2012

12 Week Doctor Appointment

Today was a big day in the Johnson house!  First off, thank you to all of the parents who did not bother me last night with their sick children.  I was able to get 7 hours of sleep on call, which is usually unheard of.  Given, it was not the best sleep I have ever had in my life, as I kept checking to make sure I had not missed the phone going off.  But hey, you take what you can get!  Then I got to come home and sleep a few more hours before our doctor appointment.

It is hard to believe we are already at 12 weeks.  So this was the first appointment that Derek and I went to together.  We were excited to hear the baby's heartbeat, but unfortunately Dr. Johnson had a had time finding it with her doppler, so she sent us to have an ultrasound.  This made me a little nervous, but it turned out to be a huge blessing.  Not only did Derek and I get to see the baby in the ultrasound but we also got to hear the heartbeat, so it was a huge 2 for 1!  Also, this was the first time Derek has really seen the baby, so it was amazing!  I can't believe he/she already has fully developed arms and legs with 5 fingers.  It was incredible to see!  Baby is doing well and growing right on track.  All good news!  It seems we are off to a strong and steady start, so hopefully we will keep right on going.

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