Tuesday, February 21, 2012

On Call + Dr. Appointment Tomorrow

I have been feeling much better the last several days, so Derek and I have finally gotten a chance to work on the painting that we have been trying to get done in the entryway.  It is not quite finished, but I am surely relieved to have the last of the wallpaper in the house completely gone.  Why people put up wallpaper, I will never understand!  

In other news, today and tomorrow are sure to be absolutely crazy!  Tonight is my first in-hospital call night, meaning I am currently on a full 25 hour shift until tomorrow morning.  I am interested to see how overnight call goes on the peds service, however I am surely not looking forward to being away from home for the night.  This will be the first time away from home without Derek since my wonderful trip to Atlantic City with the girls for our bachelorette weekend.  Im feeling a bit sad about having to sleep in the hospital.  I have been felling like such a home-body lately that I am already having a hard time knowing Derek will not be here and it is only 5 oclock.. :-(  The benefit to this long overnight shift is that I get the day off tomorrow.  Hopefully I will get enough sleep here in the hospital to not be exhausted tomorrow, but I am really looking forward to my big day off. 

First of all, We have our 12 week OB appointment tomorrow at 3PM, which is going to be the first time that Derek and I get to hear the baby's heartbeat.  I am super looking forward to this and can't wait!  It is hard to believe we are already almost out of the first trimester with relatively few problems.  After our appointment, Michael has a district hockey game at 5PM that we will be going to.  Derek (being the should-be-a-coach guy that he is) has been asked to be the extra set of eyes for Michael's coach.  He specifically called him to ask for his help and opinion about how to improve the team.  Huge complement for Derek's coaching ability in the future!  After Michael's game, we are headed back home to watch Matt's hockey game at 7PM.  As you may know, Matt recently got pulled up to the AHL to play with the Texas Stars, so we will be cheering him on and hoping he has a great game.   Long day, huh?  Well, hopefully everything goes as smoothly as planned and I get a good amount of sleep tonight.  Dear Children's hospital parents.... please wait until tomorrow morning to bring your sick kids to the hospital unless absolutely necessary!  haha ;-)

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