Monday, January 16, 2012

First Doctors Appointment

Today has been a whirlwind!  I decided to go to the doctor and make sure everything was okay.  With not feeling sick and everything going on I just wanted to make sure things were fine.  So we went to see Terri Johnson today.  Mom came with me.  Derek wanted to go, but I told him it was not a big deal and that we weren’t going to do any testing so he didn’t need to go.   Whoops…. My bad!  Anyway, back to the doctor.  We went in and did the pregnancy test, which was positive.  After hearing about my symptoms and how I was a little nervous, Dr. Johnson decided to do an ultrasound.  When she used the portable ultrasound machine in her room she didn’t see the heartbeat, so she sent us down to the imaging center to get a better ultrasound.  This made me incredibly nervous.  I thought for sure something must be wrong that she couldn’t see the heartbeat.  So we went downstairs and did an ultrasound in a big dark room with just me and mom and the ultrasound tech.  At first, she couldn’t find the heartbeat either because you are just so small.  Eventually she found your heartbeat and clocked it at 114 BPM…. A good strong heartbeat.  It turns out, we are only 6 weeks and 1 days pregnant instead of the 8 weeks that we thought!  Definitely a relief and excitement to see your little heart beating and know that you are doing okay in there!  Dr. Johnson assured me that it is okay to tell your aunts and uncles this weekend.  Apparently most pregnancies have a 20% chance of miscarriage in the first 12 weeks, but seeing your heart beating nice and strong on the ultrasound tells her that we have less than 5% chance of miscarriage.  My heart is so relieved.  I definitely cried on the way home knowing that you are okay in there.  So now you are due September 9, 2012…. Just one day after your aunt Amy was born.  We will see if you actually are born that day, but what a huge relief to know you are okay.  Your dad was very glad to hear the good news.  No more panicking on my part!  Now I just get to look forward to you making me feel tired and sick for the next 6 weeks.  All good things.

1 comment:

  1. Jerry Johnson wrote:
    12:33 PM

    Dear Baby...
    Just to let you know, I was happy and excited but I didn't scream and neither did your other grandpa. Don't want you to think your grandfathers are wimps. :o)
    I also want you to know that I made the ask for you (and your siblings) at your parents wedding! And now you're on the way. Can hardly wait.
    Gpa Jerry
